Vlogging About FITNESS, NUTRITION, LIFE Hacks & My Life!
I started IT FITNESs to help inspire people and to provide a gleam of hope for others. I have always had a challenge when it it came to my fitness. Take from a person who tried all the fads of diets and exercises out their . What realized is that not all off these exercise are for everyone in fact some may even cause injury which cause discourage ment . I believe in a world as it is today we must look forward to each daily exerciese share with our love one and making the most postive experience. As for food it not something to panick what i have learn is that restricitng your self from everything is a sure way to lose. Then comethe over bearling indulgance of overeatting when it would have then just been easy to have a small piece of craving. Taking this consideration i wanted to help people who have struggle as i have and wanted them to have a positive expereince with food and with exercise . So come and join me in the funest workout and tip regarding eattin habits.